
4th Jun
Category: Azure , Industry news

Scott Guthrie presents at AzureCraft

Scott Guthrie is the godfather of ASP.NET and I have followed closely much of what he’s done and what he’s written for the past 10+ years.

More recently he has moved over to lead Microsoft Azure and Microsoft’s cloud strategy as a whole, on top of leading the development teams that build Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio and .NET among others.

I’d never been in the same room as him and as we’re very much getting into Azure, it was the perfect opportunity to attend AzureCraft and listen to a presentation from Scott about where Microsoft are at with Azure and introducing some new services that Azure has/is about to be releasing.

Very interesting info included a new iOS Windows emulator, unlimited deployment slots, Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, Function Apps, VSTS build options, application insights assembly code, Power BI, SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Security Centre, Polybase, and more besides.

There were talks from other specialists including XXX talking more in-depth about SQL Data Warehouse and really it was invaluable to get the latest information and to get introductions to so many newly launched services. Azure really does provide a huge wealth of functionality though it means simply understanding all the services that are on offer is a challenge in itself, let alone gaining a deeper understanding of when to use each service and the cost implications of each use case. The ‘best’ solution for any given project will be unique to that project ensuring the best balance of functionality and efficiency, coupled with when and where to make the right cost savings.

We would be very happy to discuss your specific circumstances and whether and how would be most appropriate for you to benefit from Microsoft Azure.


Blog written by Simon Wilkinson